Food poisoning season!!

Salam everyone,
How is Ramadhan coming??
Today is day 4 of fasting.
I am still standing strong with my determination to prepare home cooked meal for imsak.
It was pretty challenging as I was working from 8 a.m. till 10.30 p.m.
I came home at night and defrost the chicken pieces. Hubby and baby were asleep. By 12.30 p.m. I finished cooking the chicken dish, just a simple 'Ayam masak kicap'.
For Spinach and rice, I woke up at 4 a.m. to cook them.
This morning, my dish was even simpler hahahaha as I was too sleepy from the inadequate sleep.
It was 'ikan bilis goreng dgn bawang dan cili api' and 'telur dadar'.
Hubby told me he enjoyed the simple fried dish  more.
Ikan masin sounds good too.

Hopefully, I will last for a month.

By the way, in this month, people get food poisoning so easily.
Since the second day of fasting, people are rushing to the clinic due to food poisoning.
So you guys be careful with the outside food. The preparation might be unhygienic especially from bazar.

Just look carefully and if you see the seller just ignored the flying flies, that shows they don't care about hygiene. I usually skip those kind and only buy from those who cover the food from flies and dust.
It shows the understand cleanliness.
Have a wonderful day:)


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