Why I love my current job?

Why I love my current job?

Yesterday, I got a call from my dad.
He would randomly call me for updates.
I know, I should be calling him but the thing is in between my work and going home to a super clingy Isabella, he would have to wait for weekend to get my call.
Of course he can't wait that long.
Anyway, his only child has grown up and my mom is not clingy to him, he is cool.
He asked me if I want to become a lecturer?

Such a long pause.
How do I say it well enough?

'I am not sure daddy'.

He said,'You hesitated. Sounds like you are not interested'.

'Hmmmm, I don't know. I like my current job. I enjoy my life more now. Eventhough I am busy but I have break time, I have wonderful team and I am free.
I am not tied to any big corporate with a lot of hassle.
No protocols and no contract.
I love that.
Second, it is the pay of course.
They are offering half from my current pay.
I know I can do locums during weekend and night but then I will be doing 2 jobs'.

How exhausting.

He kept quiet.
You know dads, they always want you to be like them.

The truth is, if you like what you are doing, you won't even complain the lack of holidays that you have.
After all, I am running my own life.
I can easily go for a long holidays.
I can do a lot of things.
I am very happy.
Even my husband notice that.
On weekend, if I am working, Isabella will come to me after lunch.
We will spend time together, going outdoor when the crowd has cleared.
I am loving this moment of my life more than before.

This is how it feels when you love what you do.
It feels like not being forced to go to work.
So, life is short, do what you love most.
Then, money will come with your passion and sincerity.

Still, I made a promise to my dad, 'I am onto some project for next year. Let me do that first. If I fail, then I will become a lecturer'.

I hope I won't fail.


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