Dulu saya minat untuk menjadi doktor pakar kanak-kanak.
Sejak dulu lagi saya memang sukakan kanak-kanak.

I love working in children's wards.
However I see them as my job, nothing else.
I wouldn't really be affected by their tears or pain.

Until I became a mother.

Bila saya menjadi seorang ibu, saya tak mampu lagi melihat kanak-kanak kesakitan.

Seorang bayi berusia 1 tahun 3 bulan, dtg ke klinik dgn ibu-bapanya.
Bayi lelaki itu memiliki parut yg panjang di atas kepala.
Sebagai seorang doktor, saya pasti bayi comel itu pernah menjalani pembedahan otak yg besar, bukan sekadar untuk keluarkan tekanan dalam tengkorak kepala sahaja.

Sambil memeriksa keadaan bayi itu sekarang, saya bertanya tentang pembedahan yg dilaluinya.
Nampaknya bayi ini pernah menghidap jangkitan pada selaput otak 'meningitis' serta 'subdural hemorrhage' (pendarahan otak).

Bayi ini semasa berusia 5 bulan, pernah menjalani 3 pembedahan otak yg besar.
Dikatakan oleh doktor bahawa sudah tiada harapan lagi.
'Ibu dan ayah jgn berharap lagi'.
Sebulan bertapa di ICU.

Asalnya hanyalah demam selesema biasa. Demam panas yg tidak kebah selepas 3 hari.
Tetiba bayi itu lembik, tiada respon.
Lantas, dikejar ke bahagian kecemasan Hospital Putrajaya.

Bayangkan perasaan ibu-bapa yg diberitahu, bayi mereka akan menjalani pembedahan otak.
I felt like crying myself listening to their stories.
I put myself in their shoes.
Tough. This is tough.

Right after the operation, the mother went to see the little baby, and started talking to him, he then slowly opened his eyes to look at her.
He recovered quite fast from the 3rd surgery.
Amazingly, his condition improved.
The doctor said it was a miracle.
I said he was a miracle baby.
Even an adult don't recover from such conditions that often.
And he was just a weak baby.
I believed the angels were protecting him.
It wasn't his time.
Though he survived, his physical developments were lagging. At the age of 1 year and 3 months, he still couldn't crawl or sit on his own.
That is understandable.
But he survived.
In time I believe he will regain his muscles' strength to be able to do things just like any other ordinary kids.

I told my husband when I finished with this story while we were in the car, that the outcome of your life depends on that particular moment.
By changing 1 small thing, it will changed the outcome, everything.

For example, the parents of that baby were fast.
They were monitoring their son and the moment he was unresponsive, they knew something was wrong and they rushed him to ED.
Because they were fast, the doctor could save him. If they thought he was sleeping and let him be, the pressure in his skull could build up and he would be brain dead.
He would never survive.

If someone who had bang his head terribly and stayed so far away from the hospital with neurosurgeon, he wouldn't make it in time to be saved.

If your baby had an aspiration syndrome (tersedak susu) and you weren't looking, thus did not position the baby well to avoid aspiration and the baby passed away immediately.

When we are pregnant, a thousand things could go wrong. 

We can have a miscarriage or the baby can have some genetic conditions, or suffer a hereditery diseases or died in the womb. Anything could happen.
As a doctor, despite having all these knowledges, I know that I am only the helper but I could not save anyone without his will.
I am helpless.
The more you learn, the more fear that you have to the extend that you will leave everything in the hands of GOD.

I have a friend. His baby was born with fetal distress (baby lemas, berak dalam perut) and the baby was intubated and kept in NICU.
They had to go back and forth to visit their baby for more than a week.
The baby's weight was 2.6 kg which was similar to Kamelia, my daughter.

Kamelia had almost the same situation. She 'berak dlm perut' bak kata org biasa.
I was at 3 cm when the doctor ruptured my amniotic sac,'Dah kuninglah Hasifah. Light meconium stained liquor', she said.

I was like,'Hahhhh? Alaaa'.
This was part of my fear. Unable to control my labor.
She then said, I will give you 4 hours before we ceaser you.
She would ceaser me because later on the color of my liquor (air kutuban) will be darker and my baby would suffer a fetal distress (susah bernafas).
Maksusnya baby boleh meninggal kalau kita lambat keluarkan, ataupun kalau lambat tapi tak meninggal lagi, baby akan ada kesukaran bernafas seperti kes diatas.

Saya senyap dan terus berdoa semoga segalanya dipermudahkan.
Lindungi baby Kamelia dan percepatkan saya bersalin.
Kalau boleh saya tak mahu ceaser tapi kalau pukul 12 tghri tak beranak juga, saya akn ikut cakap doktor demi nyawa anak saya.

3cm jam 9 pg
12 tghri expect 10 cm???
Orang selalu ambil masa 8 jam untuk beranak.
Aduhhh!! Takutnya!!

Suami yg tak mengerti tampak relaks.
Saja saya tak share sb nanti dia risau dan akan ganggu fokus saya.

Taulah, sb saya doktor, semua org suka tanya saya itu ini ttg apa yg mereka tak faham. Begitu juga suami saya.

Nasib baik, lepas sejam setengah saya terus beranak.

Maka, anak saya tak sempat lemas.
Anak saya lahir sihat dan dilepaskan kerumah sehari selepas lahir.

Nampak perbezaan situasi? Jikalau saya lambat beranak, anak saya pun akan mengalami masalah seperti bayi rakan saya tu.

Sebenarnya, walaupun seorang doktor, saya hanya ada ilmu, tetapi saya sendiri tak boleh paksa saya beranak dgn cepat kalau tak diizinkan Allah S.W.T.

We are helpless.
But one thing that will give us strength,..

Believe in the Almighty God, that He knows the best for us and keep praying to HIM.


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