First day

Can you see all her moves?? She can crawl with 4 limbs properly now but slower and she gets tired too. I am thinking by next week she will speed so fast!! Come one baby.
Can't wait for it.

So I will be working in Hospital Serdang from now on. 
Thank God! It is just like 10 minutes from my house. Very grateful.
Which means we have to drop Isabella to the preschool.

My husband and I went to drop Isabella for the first time to a preschool near our house. Very near as it is in our neighbourhood. I pass the house everyday to get home.
There was another baby boy sleeping peacefully. He is so big, bigger than Isabella eventhough he is 3 months. We were sad to let her go. Hoping that she will adapt as she has never been away from us.

After work, I went back and stopped at the preschool. There she was on one of the teacher's lap, sitting quietly observing the other kids. The teachers said that she cried at first when all the kids woke up and started playing around. Ya she is not used to seeing many people or kids. The teacher sat her on the lap and let her observe the others so that she will get used to them. By the time that I went to get her, she has adapated  and seemed at peace.
However, she had this big grin when she saw me.

I am happy and relief that the teachers are very nice and gentle. The kids love them and were very playful and sweet.  There weren't too many kids, so the place wasn't that noisy like when I visited Vonad Precint 15.

I survived my first day without my baby. I didn't cry hahaha but I was sad eventhough I controlled the emotion well. Thinking that she is in good hands make me feel happy. This Genius Sayyid is run by a lawyer who served with the governent until she resigned recently.
She teaches the children herself.

Now that I know where I will be working and Isabella has found her place, I am feeling relief. However, my husband is going tomorrow to Bosnia. That is sad. I will be separated from my soulmate:(

Hahahahaha InsyaAllah everything will be fine. How was your Monday by the way?


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