Spread the love..

Hye everyone.

How are you guys? I hope you are in the pink of health.
As for myself I am occupied with work and Early Childhood Education course.
For your information, I have enrolled into this course part-time.
There are so much to learn and every knowledge is a treasure to me.
I got to minggle with owner's of kindergarten, care taker and even people from different background such as myself.
Most of my classmates are Chinese but we are all a team player studying and preparing presentation together.
To me it is very exciting.
My tutors are very experienced and I got to share my ideas as well as consult her in the matter of running her own centre.
Very productive classes.
Some participants are just enrolling for the benefit of their baby.
It is very admirable.
I know for sure that this class is very useful as a mother and an entrepreneur.
My minds expanded more and I got more ideas on how to introduce the world and knowledge to my kiddies.
So you guys, if you have the opportunity to join, trust me it will blow your mind.
I am so excited to open my own kindergarten soon.
First I have to complete this course so that I can give the best of love, care and light to my children:)
InsyAllah, with good intention, sincerity, Allah will guide me and my partner.
Mommy got to love more children honey.
Mommy has so much to give and I can't just give it to you.
I have a responsibility to the community to nurture a better future generation and ummah.
It all start from a small seed, a child and then the love and success will spread to the whole universe.


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